Top Players Listing

Thu, 23 Jan 2025 18:33:31 +0000

Registered Players: 268
Accounts Disabled by Administration: 9
Accounts Closed due to Inactivity: 2

Color Key: New - Disabled - Closed - Administrator
Players whose average ranks are prefixed with a * are currently playing in this round.
Avg Rank Player Rounds Played Best Rank Attacks Defends Kills Deaths
*34.49% Quietust (#1) 73 (100%) 100.00% 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 10 0
91.00% Zion (#2) 9 (56%) 100.00% 7277 (94%) 7318 (5%) 16 6
82.69% Awayboys (#5) 28 (32%) 100.00% 15013 (93%) 11872 (6%) 30 32
87.96% Death Eater (#6) 11 (27%) 100.00% 3541 (93%) 3306 (6%) 2 15
70.36% sevz (#7) 51 (41%) 100.00% 26938 (97%) 30316 (6%) 65 71
67.36% Rand (#12) 17 (59%) 100.00% 11704 (98%) 10014 (6%) 25 23
62.96% Perseus (#21) 7 (86%) 100.00% 4831 (96%) 3091 (8%) 7 5
76.03% Deathknell (#23) 38 (50%) 100.00% 30947 (95%) 32191 (5%) 53 40
100.00% Skytender (#66) 10 (20%) 100.00% 3213 (92%) 3109 (5%) 6 8
88.33% Darfius (#80) 12 (42%) 100.00% 7413 (95%) 6770 (7%) 18 12
90.91% Tim (#99) 16 (69%) 100.00% 8160 (92%) 4608 (13%) 15 7
64.21% Revelation (#122) 25 (68%) 100.00% 18591 (95%) 16500 (6%) 49 23
100.00% BigRick (#133) 3 (33%) 100.00% 757 (90%) 656 (10%) 2 3
94.44% Willow (#151) 14 (21%) 100.00% 7122 (98%) 6757 (5%) 16 13
77.71% Ryu (#152) 15 (73%) 100.00% 12309 (97%) 8682 (11%) 28 17
78.87% Cronus (#158) 33 (55%) 100.00% 31369 (95%) 24009 (6%) 69 46
48.46% Death (#164) 30 (23%) 100.00% 11123 (95%) 13210 (5%) 22 40
*77.34% Shoot (#166) 38 (66%) 100.00% 24997 (95%) 22837 (7%) 41 48
78.17% Jamais Vu (#169) 8 (75%) 100.00% 5182 (93%) 4982 (6%) 13 5
50.57% Mawerick (#180) 13 (62%) 100.00% 3725 (98%) 3152 (5%) 13 8
91.67% Dark Tower (#182) 10 (30%) 100.00% 4110 (96%) 4549 (4%) 19 8
75.00% i (#205) 6 (33%) 100.00% 1317 (96%) 2040 (2%) 3 9
*53.36% Fred Bloggs (#224) 26 (58%) 100.00% 14470 (93%) 15261 (3%) 10 25
100.00% D&B (#250) 2 (50%) 100.00% 1500 (98%) 524 (15%) 5 1
100.00% Don (#273) 6 (17%) 100.00% 4521 (92%) 4431 (6%) 23 7
*66.07% Disl (#294) 6 (67%) 100.00% 3263 (98%) 938 (13%) 6 2
59.74% KangXi (#184) 5 (40%) 90.91% 2751 (99%) 1469 (5%) 3 4
52.69% Waldo (#86) 23 (39%) 90.00% 11285 (93%) 11720 (4%) 10 23
*69.50% A.S. (#255) 15 (40%) 90.00% 9830 (94%) 12698 (3%) 14 25
78.89% brizkit (#272) 7 (43%) 90.00% 2716 (93%) 2368 (7%) 6 5
87.50% helper (#79) 1 (100%) 87.50% 348 (95%) 133 (2%) 2 0
68.85% ancientdwarvenchaosknight (#234) 7 (43%) 87.50% 5114 (92%) 4912 (4%) 8 11
85.71% kroldor (#71) 2 (50%) 85.71% 202 (93%) 270 (1%) 0 1
48.30% Utopia (#171) 26 (65%) 85.71% 17647 (92%) 16660 (6%) 15 16
62.59% raszgural (#20) 5 (60%) 83.33% 2681 (95%) 2321 (12%) 4 2
83.33% Strategos (#172) 10 (20%) 83.33% 2797 (97%) 3481 (3%) 21 14
56.67% Wildcard (#105) 3 (100%) 80.00% 570 (90%) 586 (11%) 3 0
45.83% Crazy (#107) 7 (57%) 80.00% 2951 (92%) 3265 (6%) 0 6
80.00% Crazies (#123) 3 (33%) 80.00% 1317 (89%) 1259 (6%) 1 2
80.00% TWRWMOM (#132) 1 (100%) 80.00% 620 (95%) 433 (5%) 0 0
39.63% The Doctor (#217) 8 (75%) 80.00% 3059 (92%) 4504 (4%) 8 7
73.89% kraker (#14) 3 (67%) 77.78% 1729 (95%) 1322 (6%) 3 2
70.49% Mediocre Student (#236) 8 (50%) 77.78% 7106 (94%) 6199 (3%) 12 9
77.78% Stefan (#262) 4 (25%) 77.78% 1605 (97%) 1542 (2%) 5 4
56.61% westy (#48) 7 (57%) 75.00% 3225 (98%) 2657 (8%) 3 4
75.00% Geist (#181) 4 (25%) 75.00% 187 (98%) 24 (29%) 1 4
43.06% Ash (#223) 3 (67%) 75.00% 168 (99%) 97 (0%) 1 1
*75.00% M0j0Ri5in (#235) 9 (11%) 75.00% 2775 (95%) 3643 (4%) 3 14
73.21% Scooter (#265) 2 (100%) 75.00% 1660 (96%) 1308 (3%) 1 0
70.71% OLDTRASH666 (#274) 4 (50%) 71.43% 1478 (96%) 951 (9%) 1 2
Avg Rank Player Rounds Played Best Rank Attacks Defends Kills Deaths

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